On Nantucket whose voice gets heard? What would an accurate portrait of the island’s population tell us about ourselves? These are core questions of the U.S. Census, the constitutionally-mandated federal population count currently underway. The island’s people have always been a little hard to reach during a U.S. Census canvas, […]
Tag: Nantucket Island
Don’t Listen Alone: White Heron Theatre’s Nantucket Ghost Light Series
by C. Oscar Olson Nantucket is a land shrouded in much more than just fog. For hundreds of years, various peoples have populated this tiny isle, and each of them brought with them their own set of stories, folklore, and fears. The past has a way of hanging on thirty […]
Party with the Artists Association of Nantucket at Home This Saturday
Nantucket has been an oasis for artists of all kinds for nearly 100 years. The island’s art colony bloomed throughout the 1920s, grew in the 1930s, and faced a crisis in 1943 when the only exhibition gallery closed. Then, the transformation of an abandoned warehouse on Straight Wharf into a […]
Nantucket Whaling Museum Reopens to the Public next Monday, July 13
Next Monday, July 13, the Nantucket Historical Association (NHA) will welcome guests back to the Whaling Museum, and the NHA staff looks forward to welcoming members back for an extended two-day “Members’ Preview” on Saturday and Sunday, July 11 and 12. Doors will open to the public on Monday, July […]
Reinventing the Nantucket Book Festival during Times of Social Distancing
by Mary Bergman I haven’t left Nantucket since February 25th. But last week, I was on a houseboat on the River Thames. Since late February, I have been to high rises in New York City and the suburbs of Philadelphia. I’ve been to a yellow house in New Orleans, the […]
Nantucket in the Time of COVID-19: A Letter to Our Summer Residents
Nantucket is known for its hospitality, and every summer we welcome thousands of summer residents who love their seasonal island home. Due to the pandemic, the 2020 season will be unlike any other. Here at Nantucket.net, we think this gives us all the opportunity to enjoy Nantucket Island in ways […]
Look for the Helpers on Nantucket Island
UPDATED APRIL 26, 2020 “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’”― Fred Rogers There’s no question that we all owe great thanks and, in some cases, […]