Tag: Nantucket Island

Nantucket Book Festival
Today's Nantucket

Nantucket Book Foundation Announces 2021 Programs

The Nantucket Book Foundation celebrates its 10th year with a lively and inspiring lineup of author events and school programs throughout 2021, engaging readers on-island and beyond. Despite having to cancel its annual Book Festival for a second year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Nantucket Book Foundation (NBF) is excited […]

Nantucket Limerick
Today's Nantucket

Look Back & Laugh… Pandemic Version of Nantucket Limericks

THERE ONCE WAS A MAN FROM NANTUCKET… For decades the island guide Yesterday’s Island/Today’s Nantucket has challenged readers to add to the original limericks written about Nantucket. The ORIGINAL limericks–not the ones that make us blush–were a back-and-forth contest in 1924. You can read them at https://yesterdaysisland.com/limerick-challenge/ along with more recent additions. […]

Nantucket Island 2020 Census
Today's Nantucket

Make Nantucket Better: Complete The Census

On Nantucket whose voice gets heard? What would an accurate portrait of the island’s population tell us about ourselves? These are core questions of the U.S. Census, the constitutionally-mandated federal population count currently underway. The island’s people have always been a little hard to reach during a U.S. Census canvas, […]