Tag: Nantucket Island

Nantucket Book Festival
Today's Nantucket

Nantucket Book Foundation Announces 2021 Programs

The Nantucket Book Foundation celebrates its 10th year with a lively and inspiring lineup of author events and school programs throughout 2021, engaging readers on-island and beyond. Despite having to cancel its annual Book Festival for a second year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Nantucket Book Foundation (NBF) is excited […]

Nantucket Limerick
Today's Nantucket

Look Back & Laugh… Pandemic Version of Nantucket Limericks

THERE ONCE WAS A MAN FROM NANTUCKET… For decades the island guide Yesterday’s Island/Today’s Nantucket has challenged readers to add to the original limericks written about Nantucket. The ORIGINAL limericks–not the ones that make us blush–were a back-and-forth contest in 1924. You can read them at https://yesterdaysisland.com/limerick-challenge/ along with more recent additions. […]