by Robert P. Barsanti This winter remains in the shadows and in the base of the bushes. It squats, cold and frozen, in the darkness, until the rain and the sun finally drive the dirty ice underground. The crocuses remain hidden under the frozen turf, as do the daffodils. […]
Recent Posts
When the Worst of Times Turns into the Best of Times
There are times that to be reminded of the best of Nantucket we first must experience some of the worst of living on an island. This weekend we got stuck in Boston while returning from a trip off-island. Fog had enveloped Nantucket, stopping all air traffic. Determined to get […]
How to Make Sure You Don’t Get the Job
Hello XXXXX: Thank you for applying for the summer internship at our magazine and publishing company on Nantucket Island. We do not serve cocktails in the office (not even during deadlines), we must decline your offer to tend bar for us, despite your vast experience in the field. Each […]
Nantucket Romance Is Yours for the Taking
Guest blog by Johnny Greene, President/CEO of ETS International Whether you’re looking for a fun-filled family retreat, or a romantic weekend away, Nantucket Island is the perfect destination. Settled in 1641, Nantucket is wrought with New England history. The Island has been cited a National Historic Landmark District, and […]
Details on Upcoming On-Island Film
In late March, independent filmmaker Jay Craven and his crew will arrive on Nantucket to begin production of Craven’s upcoming film, Peter and John. Craven’s production company, Kingdom County Productions, has partnered with Vermont’s Marlboro College to produce this period piece based on Guy de Maupassant’s novel, Pierre et Jean. […]
What a Difference a Day Makes…
This winter Nantucket has been in the weather crosshairs: we’ve been hit with three major snowstorms during the month of January. When the temps hit the 40s and the sun came out yesterday, we all breathed a collective sigh of relief. But today we’re back to snowy weather. Here are […]
We Have A Winner!
Many entered, but only one could win. Every business that purchased a print ad in the 2014-15 Nantucket Directory during the month of January was entered to win a FREE ad size upgrade. Out of the hat came Terminix! They are available for all your pest control needs on Nantucket […]