Tag: Nantucket

Nantucket Tips

Nantucket Romance Is Yours for the Taking

Guest blog by Johnny Greene, President/CEO of ETS International   Whether you’re looking for a fun-filled family retreat, or a romantic weekend away, Nantucket Island is the perfect destination. Settled in 1641, Nantucket is wrought with New England history. The Island has been cited a National Historic Landmark District, and […]

Nantucket Tips

Giving for the Holidays

Would you call me a turkey if I told you I was going swimming with some friends in the North Atlantic on Thanksgiving Day? Though turkeys we may be, we are turkeys with a cause. This year marks the 12th Annual Cold Turkey Plunge, which benefits the Nantucket Atheneum’s Weezie […]

Nantucket Tips

Daffy Dressing

One of our favorite things about the celebration of Spring on Nantucket that is the Nantucket Dafffodil Festival is the way that so many of the festival-goers dress up for the party.  Parents dress up their little ones in white and yellow, in flowers real and artistic. The fun includes […]

Today's Nantucket

The Starlight Meets Their Goal

With 24 days to go, The Starlight Theatre & Cafe has met and exceeded their Kickstarter pledge drive goal of $92,500.00! Mark Watson and Jeff Weiner sat down with us yesterday, with $5,100 still to go, to chat about their efforts to raise the money to upgrade to a digital […]

Nantucket Tips

Staff Favorites: Stocking Gifts from Nantucket

With fewer than 12 days till Christmas, there is still time to find great gifts on Nantucket.  We love to give (and to receive) a gift certificate to a Nantucket restaurant.  Who doesn’t like to go out to eat? Nantucket has many amazing options for dining, and most of the […]

Nantucket Memories

Postcard from the End of the World

reprint from Yesterday’s Island/Today’s Nantucket – by Phil Austin May 6 came and went again this year without the slightest mention of the Hindenburg disaster that occurred in Lakehurst, New Jersey in 1937.  My father was exactly twenty years old at the time of the tragedy, which killed about three […]

Nantucket Memories

Remembering Nantucket’s Nobska

by Guest Blogger H. Flint Ranney The steamship Nobska was my all-time favorite boat. She served Nantucket from 1925 until 1973. Thanks to the Steamship Authority, you can hear her whistle during the arrivals and departures of the Motor Vessel Eagle in Nantucket (but not in Hyannis!). My first trip […]