Tag: Jay Craven

Crew photo from jay craven's 2016 production of wetware
Today's Nantucket

Casting Call on Nantucket Island

Since Nantucket already looks like a picture-perfect movie backdrop, why not make it a real one? An open casting call has been issued for extras of ages to be a part of a movie adaptation for Jack London’s Martin Eden. Set in the early 1900s, London tells the story of […]

Today's Nantucket

Details on Upcoming On-Island Film

In late March, independent filmmaker Jay Craven and his crew will arrive on Nantucket to begin production of Craven’s upcoming film, Peter and John.  Craven’s production company, Kingdom County Productions, has partnered with Vermont’s Marlboro College to produce this period piece based on Guy de Maupassant’s novel, Pierre et Jean.  […]