Today, we got a call from an island visitor who was concerned about a seal on Madaket beach that had a noose-like length of rope stuck around its neck. Evidently the seal had been there since Tuesday, which meant it endured three days of hunger, distress, and a complete lack of the protection that water provides to a marine mammal.
We were glad that our caller did not go near the animal, as she could have been attacked. Of course we had to tell her that we do not handle situations like this but we were happy to point her in the right direction; that is, to immediately call the New England Aquarium (NEAq) hotline at 617-973-5247. You will likely get an automated response, but the voice mailbox is checked quite frequently. Once the message has been received, NEAq will contact their volunteer coordinator on Nantucket to respond. As of now, NEAq is aware of this particular seal’s situation. We hope that some action will be taken as soon as possible to save this creature!
Again, if you ever see a stranded or injured marine animal, do two things: first, keep your distance. Secondly, call the New England Aquarium hotline at 617-973-5247, and be prepared to give explicit directions to the animal’s location.