I’m lucky to live close enough to Fisherman’s Beach on Nantucket that I can wake up to the calming, rhythmic sounds of the surf. This morning the music of waves crashing on the sand beckoned, and so I brewed a cup of coffee and headed over to the Western Avenue […]
Recent Posts
Casting Call on Nantucket Island
Since Nantucket already looks like a picture-perfect movie backdrop, why not make it a real one? An open casting call has been issued for extras of ages to be a part of a movie adaptation for Jack London’s Martin Eden. Set in the early 1900s, London tells the story of […]
Claim Your Birth Bricks from Nantucket Cottage Hospital This Week
For the past decade on Nantucket, a few more than 100 babies have been born at Nantucket Cottage Hospital (NCH) each year. In 2006, the total was 119; last year, the total was 125. Names and birthdates of many of these babies, as well as those born earlier at NCH, […]
Annual Nantucket Science Festival on March 16
The Nantucket Science Festival is back for another exciting year. On March 16, 2019, join the Maria Mitchell Association and the Nantucket Community School, along with many community partners, for hands-on, interactive activities for all ages from preschool to adult. The Nantucket Science Festival is all about connecting people with […]
Special Cooperative Exhibition by Artists Association of Nantucket & One Book One Island
The Artists Association of Nantucket (AAN) has collaborated with 2019 One Book One Island (OBOI) organizers to present a special art exhibit that enhances the book and features the history of coffee, Yemen/Arabic culture, and world peace. Salam & The Art of Coffee opens with a reception on Friday, March […]
How to Find Your Doctor’s Office in the New Nantucket Cottage Hospital
The new Nantucket Cottage Hospital is open! But how do you find your physician’s new office? It’s easy: watch this video to see how to walk from the parking area to the Medical Group Entrance. Physicians operating in Nantucket Cottage Hospital now share a single common waiting area. You can […]
New Nantucket Hospital to Open Wednesday, February 20, 2019
In just 7 days, Nantucket Cottage Hospital will open the doors to the island’s new hospital on Wednesday, Feb. 20, the first new medical facility for the community in more than 60 years. Built entirely through private donations, the almost $90 million, 14-bed, 106,000 square-foot hospital completely replaces Nantucket’s former […]