Nantucket Windows National Grid
Today's Nantucket

Keep Heat From Escaping Your Nantucket Home This Winter

Who doesn’t love the feeling of stepping in from that all-too-familiar Nantucket winter blast to the cozy warmth of home? Unfortunately, keeping our homes warm all winter comes with a price: higher energy consumption. This is especially true for those who live in Nantucket’s older homes that are prone to air leaks or lack proper insulation, leading many residents to sacrifice their winter comfort to save on heating bills.

Luckily, National Grid offers weatherization improvements to help you—and your home—combat those cold winter months. Simple air sealing and insulation measures can help you save up to 16% on heating and cooling. And it’s easy to get started with upgrades through National Grid’s no-cost home energy assessment program.

An Energy Specialist will locate air leaks around your windows and doors, as well as less obvious spots like electric outlets and recessed lights. From there, recommendations will be given to help make heating costs more affordable and your home much more comfortable—no matter what winter blows your way.

Nantucket Blown Fiberglass Insulation between Attic TrussesThrough your assessment, you may qualify for no-cost air sealing and up to 75% off insulation. Additionally, National Grid offers a 0% financing option to qualified customers to help them manage any remaining costs. Plus, enjoy a variety of energy saving products installed during your assessment at no cost, like efficient LED bulbs, showerheads, faucet aerators, and advanced power strips. No-cost heat pump water heaters, Wi-Fi programmable thermostats, and replacement dehumidifiers are also available for eligible customers.

Visit or call 1-844-615-8316 to schedule a no-cost assessment for the week of March 19. Or check out our website for info about upcoming assessment weeks. An energy assessment can be the difference you need to make winter more affordable.

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