The Nantucket Historical Association (NHA) will host its 25th annual Festival of Wreaths during Thanksgiving week, from November 20 to 25, 2023 from 10 am to 4 pm (closed Thanksgiving Day), and their 30th annual Festival of Trees Monday-Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm during the month of December (closed December 25). Both colorful festivals will be on display in the Whaling Museum, with free admission for NHA members and for island residents. These events underscore the NHA’s commitment to the community and celebrate Nantucket’s history as a community built on the talent, skill, and creativity of its members.

The Festival of Wreaths will continue its tradition of community-crafted wreaths by local businesses, organizations, and artists. A special Festival of Wreaths celebration event will be held on Tuesday, November 21, from 5 to 7 pm. Ticket holders will be invited to enjoy a beverage and hors d’oeuvres as they stroll through the museum display. During the wreath display, visitors will be able to bid on their favorite wreaths in an online silent auction to benefit the NHA’s year-round outreach efforts.
Special thanks to the Festival of Wreaths 2023 chair, Barbara Clarke. “I am thrilled to be involved in this creative community event, where every year tops the last, as more and more community members take the time to create unique wreaths. I look forward to stopping into the museum many times and enjoy the wreaths,” says Clarke.

The highly anticipated Festival of Trees will also return this season to transform the Whaling Museum into a festive winter wonderland for the entire month of December. This event features nearly 100 community-crafted trees designed by local businesses, school groups, and organizations. The NHA’s celebratory Festival of Trees Preview Party will be held on Thursday, November 30, from 6 to 8 pm: tickets are available now to this popular evening event.
“It is an honor to chair the Festival of Trees and to be able to celebrate this wonderful tradition. Every year, it is a joy to see the festive spirit of the island through the beautifully designed trees,” say 2023 event chairs Donald J. Dallaire and David M. Handy.
Leadership tickets for the Festival of Trees and tickets for the Festival of Wreaths Evening Celebration are on sale now.
The NHA’s mission is to preserve and interpret the history of Nantucket through its programs, collections, and properties, in order to promote the island’s significance and foster an appreciation of it among all audiences.