One of our favorite things about the celebration of Spring on Nantucket that is the Nantucket Dafffodil Festival is the way that so many of the festival-goers dress up for the party. Parents dress up their little ones in white and yellow, in flowers real and artistic.
The fun includes all ages and all genders — it’s as common to see men wearing elaborate Daffy Fest hats as it to see women wearing them.
Costume central during Daffy is Children’s Beach, where the Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce (the masterminds behind and organizers of this weekend of fun) host the Children’s Parade and the Daffy Hat Pagent. Participants start to gather as early as 10 am for the 10:30 am parade and the 10:45 am pageant. Then everyone heads to Main Street for the Antique Car Parade. Check our Calendar of Events for specifics about all the weekend events, and we’ll see you at Daffy Fest this weekend!