Nantucket’s 2014 Memorial Day parade took place on Sunday, May 25. It began at 1 p.m. at the American Legion Hall on Washington Street; continued to the Civil War Monument on upper Main St., and on to Prospect Hill Cemetery, and finally, back to the Legion for a reception. Here […]
Today’s Nantucket
5 Things to Love About Wine Fest
1. Meeting winemakers. Unlike many wine festivals, the Nantucket Wine Festival welcomes mostly winemakers rather than distributors. And it only takes an instant to tell the difference. A winemaker’s aura may be larger than life like Roberto Damonte of Malvirà, or subdued yet earnest like Joe Donelan of Donelan Family […]
We Asked Nantucketers What They Appreciate about Their Mothers
What do you appreciate most about your mom? “Her sensitivity and the way she taught me that it’s okay to be different.” -Jim Sulzer, author of The Voice at the Door and teacher at Nantucket New School “My mom is still with us at 91, and just as sweet and […]
A Honey of a Hobby
Giddily we break out our picnic baskets, yellow hats and antique cars. We hug friends we haven’t seen in months, and the sun offers its first bashful smiles to us. But we aren’t the only ones dizzy over daffodil season. Our least obtrusive and most important island neighbors rely on […]
Music Legends, New Performers Lead Nantucket Music Festival
With summer skies and salt spray on ocean breezes serving as a backdrop, the Nantucket Music Festival is set for Saturday, August 2, and Sunday, August 3, featuring a still evolving lineup of legendary bands and leading, new artists. Boston bred, four-piece rock outfit Guster and singer/keyboardist Bruce Hornsby […]
Nantucket Winter
by Robert P. Barsanti This winter remains in the shadows and in the base of the bushes. It squats, cold and frozen, in the darkness, until the rain and the sun finally drive the dirty ice underground. The crocuses remain hidden under the frozen turf, as do the daffodils. […]
When the Worst of Times Turns into the Best of Times
There are times that to be reminded of the best of Nantucket we first must experience some of the worst of living on an island. This weekend we got stuck in Boston while returning from a trip off-island. Fog had enveloped Nantucket, stopping all air traffic. Determined to get […]