Organizers of the first Nantucket Music Festival last summer knew their idea of a two-day, live music celebration for visitors and residents of the historic resort destination had enormous potential. But, nothing could prepare them for the overwhelmingly positive response they received from sponsors and the performing arts community. The […]
Today’s Nantucket
Remembering another Thanksgiving Nor’easter on Nantucket
As I watch the rain fall today and listen to forecasts for high wind and a Thanksgiving nor’easter, I remember another stormy Thanksgiving on Nantucket 31 years ago. In 1983, my husband and I were planning a quiet Thanksgiving on Nantucket. Our families were hundreds of miles away in Pennsylvania, […]
2014 Yesterday’s Island Photo Contest Winners
THANK YOU! to the hundreds of photographers who entered the 2014 Yesterday’s Island Photo Contest! And remember to keep your photos ready for next year or start sending them in now! Make sure to include your name, address, subject, & date taken. Email to yi@ Digital images emailed or […]
5 Minutes with B.Glow
“All I’ve ever wanted to do is make people laugh.” Stand-up comedian Brian Glowacki, a 6’1” cue ball, is an elm of a man. He takes the stage like your dad does the barbecue: ready to crack a brew and hang, but also itching to get down to business. The […]
Limerick Challenge
This series of limericks first appeared in a June 14, 1924 edition of a Nantucket newspaper. It all began when the Princeton Tiger revived the then well-known limerick printed first below and the Chicago Tribune answered with the second limerick. The New York Exchange went one step further with the […]
A Snippet in Time – Donn Russell
After decades spent traveling the globe, serigraph master, satire sculptor and painter Donn Russell chose to make his home on Nantucket. Long-time island art enthusiasts may recognize Russell’s work from his eponymous gallery on Old South Wharf, which was active from 1978 to 2001. The artist—who has been known to […]
Sharing Your Love – Nantucket Weddings
With wedding season upon us, it’s the perfect time to see what’s happening on the Real Nantucket Weddings page of the newly redesigned website devoted to island weddings: Nantucket Island is a beautiful place to hold your wedding, but there are some extra hurdles to jump and careful planning […]