Tomorrow, Saturday, December 13, the Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce has organized a fun and festive Home for the Holidays event. Dozens of merchants will greet shoppers with refreshments and special sales, and they’ll give out two red tickets (twice the usual number) for every $25 spent in their store. The red tickets are part of the Nantucket Island Chamber’s annual Red Ticket Drawing for thousands of dollars on December 24. Your holiday shopping on Nantucket could result in a nice gift for “Santa” on Christmas Eve!
In addition to Saturday’s shopping extravaganza, there are fairs, theatre, crafts, strolling carolers, a cooking demonstration, a nature walk, movies, music, a visit with Santa for the little ones, holiday displays, and more — not all of them downtown. Here are a few of our favorite events, for the rest, visit our Nantucket Calendar of Events.
Start the day at Nantucket High School, where December Delight (the senior class fundraiser) is offering early bird entry at 8 am to this fun and festive sale with lots of opportunities to Shop Local in one stop!

Learn to bake bread with Bartlett Farm’s talented bread baker Josh Norton in the Hayloft from 10 am to 11 am. He’ll share tips and tricks for perfect bread at home, and he willshare samples of his delicious recipe for herbed foccacia. There’s no charge for this event, and free coffee, tea, and farm-baked goodies will also be available!
Between 10 am and 4 pm, visit the Nantucket Historical Association’s Festival of Trees to see 90 gorgeously decorated holiday trees staged throughout this world-class museum.
Then walk to the Methodist Church at 2 Centre Street to see “No Room at the Inn,” an annual Christmast exhibit of more than 100 exquisite creches from around the world displayed in the candlelit sanctuary. Suggested donation of $6 benefits the Nantucket Rental Assistance Program.

Add some magic to the season with Theatre Workshop of Nantucket’s professional performance of the musical Cinderella at 1 pm and again at 5 pm in Bennett Hall, 62 Centre Street. Tickets at or call the box office at 508-228-4305.
Join the Linda Loring Nature Foundation staff for Ducks at Dusk from 2:30 pm. These charismatic waterfowl have been behaving unpredictably for the past two winters so nothing is guaranteed except a good chance to see some waterfowl near dusk. Meet at the LLNF at 110 Eel Point Road, and then carpool. Dress appropriately for the wind and weather. $10 fee.
From 3 to 5 pm, Epernay is hosting a Home for the Holidays Wine Tasting. Indulge in a selection of American red wines sure to impress your guests at your next holiday gathering. 1 N Beach Street, near the White Elephant and the Nantucket Hotel. Parking in Back. 508.228.2755
Enjoy great music and great beer at Nantucket’s Cisco Brewery. The fun starts at 1:30, with Ami Yares performing “Americana music born in the wilds of Southern New Jersey and steeped in the bewilderment of the Middle East.” At 4:30 pm, one of the island’s favorite bands, 4 EZ Payments will perform. Then, at 7 pm, head over to Kitty Murtagh’s at 4 West Creek Road for more live music, featuring Sean Lee, along with some tasty Irish fare. Then, at 10 pm, the Rose & Crown hosts the Audio Architects so you can dance the night away.

You won’t want to miss the NHA’s Night of Holiday Magic. From 5 to 8 pm, this annual event features music, storytelling, and holiday crafts set against the backdrop of the beautiful Festival of Trees. During the final portion of the program, the museum lights will be lowered and guests will be invited to stroll through the museum to enjoy the shimmering trees in the Whaling Museum, 13 Broad St.