by Leah MojerWine, Cheese, M & P, Bartlett’s Farm In my January world, there is nothing more satisfying than a steaming bowl of noodles in broth. The combination of warm spices mingling with aromas of earthy seaweed & fragrant herbs. The tender, springy chew of the noodles & satisfying crunch of […]
Today’s Nantucket
Nantucket Book Foundation Organizes Author Visits with Island Students
Most people are familiar with the Nantucket Book Foundation thanks to its signature event, the Nantucket Book Festival, held every June since 2012. Plans are already underway for the 9th annual Festival June 18-21, 2020, with an exceptional lineup of award-winning authors signed up for events, most of which are […]
Incubator/Accelerator Program to Support Entrepreneurs on Nantucket Island
One year ago, the Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce launched the Center for Entrepreneurship (NICE). In 2019, organizers met with more than 35 locals aspiring to start a new company. While some residents were not quite ready to take the plunge, several were and did, resulting in some great new […]
Preserving Island History: New Acquisitions by the Nantucket Historical Association
Three significant items–a painting, a memoir, and a scrimshawed whale’s tooth–have been added to the Nantucket Historical Association‘s (NHA’s) Permanent Collection. The Trustees of the NHA announce the acquisition of Milo Calkin’s memoir documenting his time aboard the Nantucket whaleship Independence, an Albert C. Gardner tooth, and the painting Northern […]
Where to Stroll This Weekend during the 46th Annual Nantucket Christmas Stroll
The organizers of the original Nantucket Christmas Stroll were merely trying to prevent islanders from escaping to Cape Cod across the Sound to do their holiday shopping. Rewind to 1973, a year when local merchants, in an effort to boost the island’s holiday purse, kept shops open late the first […]
Exibition of Work by David Lazarus to Open in Nantucket Whaling Museum
David Lazarus first mastered the art of scrimshaw during the 1970s, and this artistic endeavor led him to printmaking and eventually to painting. This Saturday, December 7, the Nantucket Historical Association (NHA) will open an exhibit featuring works by artist Lazarus in the Sherlund Conference Room in the Whaling Museum. The […]
Holiday Happenings on Nantucket Island
Dozens of Christmas trees now line downtown streets on Nantucket, waiting for schoolchildren and other island groups and individuals to adorn them with holiday ornaments and lights before the Illumination on Friday, November 29. The Illumination is the official start of Nantucket Noel (as the Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce, […]